Still to Do



Still to Do

The lawns are green, trees are laden with the colours of summer, flowers are bright and beautiful – Summer is here!  Plants placed in the garden now should receive special attention during hot days.  Mulch should be kept up, and watering should be good and deep.

Lawns:  Give a nitrogen fertilizer and be sure to water well.rosessss

Roses:  Roses will need a summer clean up and pruning.  Cut back flowered stems to just above a healthy bud.  Take out all thin or woody stems.  When ramblers and climbers are finished flowering, cut back the stems completely and encourage others to grow horizontally.

Fuchias:  Fuchias must be well fed and watered.  Any wood growth should be taken out.  Fuchias flower at the end of new growth, and it is wise to cut woody growth hard back, to stimulate new growth, even at this fairly late stage in the season.  Give each plant a teaspoon 2:3:2 every two weeks, followed by a good watering.

Fruit:  Thin fruits to avoid a harvest of small fruits.


  • Flowered Iris stems should be removed completely.
  • Flowering Cherries that have finished flowering can be tidied up by cutting back any twiggy or unnecessary growth.
  • After flowering, Dephiniums can be cut back and compost lightly forked into the surrounding soil for a second blooming.
  • When Cyclamens have finished flowering, and the leaves have died down, store the corns in a dry place.
  • Bearded Iris clumps which have finished flowering can be divided and the young outer growth planted out.
  • If there is a danger of Daffodil bulbs becoming waterlogged in heavy rains, lift them, cut off the leaves, allow to dry, dust with fungicide and store in plastic net vegetable bags.
  • Take off the lower leaves of Tomato plants and make sure the fruit do not touch the ground.
  • When Gerberas (Barberton daisies) have finished flowering, collect the mature seed and plant it immediately into damp sand.  Overcrowded clumps can be divided and planted with the crown just above the soil level.
  • Nip out any flowers which appear on Coleus plants.
  • Pot plants will feel the heat, bu do not be tempted to over-water them.  Rather give them a thorough soaking, filling the pot to the brim, then allow the plant to almost dry out before watering again.
  • Check containers on the patio.  With the sun’s change of position, the plants may be subjected to too much hot sun.
  • Large leaves may become dusty and can be gently wiped with a damp cloth.


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